
每日 06:00 - 23:00 請注意:最後下單時間為每日 22:30 就支付個人使用或同行賓客使用費用的持卡者而言,請查看有關此特定優惠並與您的到訪費用價值作比較。我們建議持卡者在到訪前,應先查閱以下進入餐廳的規定全文。 於 Kaveri 品嚐數之不盡的印度佳餚,包括讓人垂涎欲滴的印度南部和北部素食,其濃郁的口感必會讓您讚不絕口。


(Singapore Changi Intl) 新加坡樟宜機場, 第 2 航站樓

空側 - 通過出入境事務櫃台後轉左。使用通往美食廣場及航空公司貴賓室的第 1 個自動扶手電梯。餐廳在「Straits Food Village」對面。 請注意,餐廳的顧客人數有時可能會超過座位數目,餐廳會自行決定是否讓顧客進入。


1. Cardholders can use their lounge visit entitlement to take advantage of 1 set menu designated by the restaurant in a 24hr period. A set menu represents a single lounge visit within the Cardholder’s existing lounge visit allocation for which the Cardholder will, where applicable, be charged. E.g. if a Cardholder registers 1 Guest they also will be able to take advantage of 1 set menu designated by the restaurant within a 24hr period and will be charged as 1 Cardholder visit + 1 Guest visit on their account. Only 1 card per visit per Cardholder will be accepted at point of registration. 2. To be eligible, Cardholders must present a valid Card and Boarding Pass with same-day travel before placing an order. 3. Items, soft and alcoholic drinks from the À la carte menu not included in the set menu are subject to an additional charge. Cardholders will be given a 10% discount on items, soft and alcoholic drinks from À la carte menu not included in set menu. 4. Smart casual dress at all times. 5. Set menus are non-transferable & cannot be exchanged for cash substitute/ refund or be used towards gratuity. 6. Priority Pass and its Affiliates Companies shall not be liable should the offer value be less than Customers lounge visit entitlement. Customers who pay for lounge and guest visits are advised to review programme Conditions of Use prior to accessing the offer.


Disabled Access
No Smoking
Soft beverages
Wi-Fi 無線上網