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Nouveaux salons (735)


Yogyakarta Kulon Progo International (YIA)
Concordia Lounge
13 déc. 2023
Retrait de salons
The Concordia Lounge located in the Domestic Terminal has joined the programme.


Prague Vaclav Havel (PRG)
Bottega Prosecco Bar & Caffe
12 déc. 2023
The Bottega Prosecco Bar & Caffe located in Terminal 1 has joined the programme.


Zanzibar Abeid Amani Karume International (ZNZ)
The Premium Lounge (Departures)
05 déc. 2023
The Premium Lounge (Departures) located in Terminal 2 has joined the programme.


Zanzibar Abeid Amani Karume International (ZNZ)
The Premium Lounge (Arrivals)
05 déc. 2023
Retrait de salons
The Premium Lounge (Arrivals) located in Terminal 2 has joined the programme.