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London Gatwick (LGW)
Clubrooms Gatwick North - Additional Fee Applies
25 nov. 2022
The Clubrooms Gatwick North - Additional Fee Applies located in the North Terminal has re-opened.


Gothenburg Landvetter (GOT)
Vinga Lounge
25 nov. 2022

Please note due to refurbishment works, the Vinga Lounge will temporarily close on the following dates and passengers have access to the Menzies Lounge. Airside - transit area, next to Gate 16.

28 & 30NOV22.
05 - 07 & 12 - 14DEC22.



Munich Franz-Josef Strauss (MUC)
Airport Lounge Europe
24 nov. 2022

The Airport Lounge Europe located in Terminal 1 has revised its opening times and access conditions:-

06:00 - 21:00 daily.

Access is permitted 3 hours prior to scheduled flight departure.


Munich Franz-Josef Strauss (MUC)
Airport Lounge World
24 nov. 2022

New opening times effective 01DEC22 at the Airport Lounge World located in Terminal 1. The lounge has also revised its access conditions:-

05:15 - 21:00 daily.

Access is permitted 3 hours prior to scheduled flight departure.