Opening Hours
07:30 - 21:00 daily Note: Hours may vary according to flight times. Access is not permitted between the hours of 15:00 - 18:00 daily.
07:30 - 21:00 daily Note: Hours may vary according to flight times. Access is not permitted between the hours of 15:00 - 18:00 daily.
Airside - opposite Gate A22. Passengers departing from other Concourses can access the lounge by train. Please allow sufficient time to reach the departure gate.
Access is permitted 3 hours prior to scheduled flight departure - All Cardholders and guests are required to show a Boarding Pass with confirmed same-day travel for access to the lounge - Children under 2 years are admitted free - Alcoholic drinks are only available to passengers 21 years of age or older.
Face masks must be worn.