Opening Hours
Monday: 05:00 - 20:00 Tuesday: 05:00 - 20:00 Wednesday: 05:00 - 20:00 Thursday: 05:00 - 19:30 Friday: 05:00 - 20:00 Saturday: 05:00 - 20:30 Sunday: 05:00 - 20:45 Note: Hours may vary according to flight schedules.
Monday: 05:00 - 20:00 Tuesday: 05:00 - 20:00 Wednesday: 05:00 - 20:00 Thursday: 05:00 - 19:30 Friday: 05:00 - 20:00 Saturday: 05:00 - 20:30 Sunday: 05:00 - 20:45 Note: Hours may vary according to flight schedules.
Airside - the lounge is located in the Transit Area, above Gate 18.
Maximum 3 hour stay - Children under 3 years are admitted free (only applies to Cardholders and registered guests own children).