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Changements & Nouveaux salons (1723)


Athens International (ATH)
Goldair Handling CIP Lounge
12 avr. 2024
The Goldair Handling CIP Lounge located in Hall B will temporarily close for  maintenance works on 16APR24 at 22:00 until 03:00 on 17APR24.


Southampton International (SOU)
Spitfire Lounge
10 avr. 2024

New opening times at the Spitfire Lounge:-

Monday: 05:00 - 19:30
Tuesday: 05:00 - 19:30
Wednesday: 05:00 - 19:30
Thursday: 05:00 - 19:30 
Friday: 05:00 - 19:30
Saturday: 05:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 05:00 - 20:30


Liverpool John Lennon (LPL)
Aspire Lounge
10 avr. 2024

New opening times at the Aspire Lounge:-

04:00 - 20:00 daily
Note: Closed:25 Dec



Newcastle International (NCL)
Aspire Lounge
10 avr. 2024

New opening times at the Aspire Lounge:-

Monday: 04:00 - 20:30
Tuesday: 04:00 - 20:30
Wednesday: 04:00 - 20:30
Thursday: 04:00 - 20:30
Friday: 04:00 - 20:30
Saturday: 04:00 - 20:30
Sunday: 04:00 - 21:00
Note: Lounge doors close half an hour before the lounge closes. 
Closed: Dec 25.